Monday, December 15, 2014

Enjoying the Journey - Handspinning Fiber Into Yarn


As the hustle of the daytime settles down and the calmness and peaceful quietness of the night settles in,

what a joy it is to pick up my spindle and spin my cares away. 

I find comfort in the feel of the fiber as it passes through my hands. 

And I find contentment and joy in the making of a  handspun yarn.

Simplicity is satisfying.

Life is good.
Yes, .......very good.
I am enjoying the journey.



  1. This is very cool! I have a friend who does this, and it is something I've always wanted to try. And, yes, life is very good. May we all enjoy the journey! ~Heather @ My Overflowing Cup

  2. Your spun yarn looks good! What are you planning to do with it? I know what a joy it is to spin - I'm not great with a spindle, but I love the wheel. :) Love the blue hydrangea and nostepinde a few posts back, too. Thank you for stopping by my site. Have a great day!

    1. Thank you Magnoliasntea! I will most likely own a wheel one day, but for now I really am enjoying the simplicity of my spindles. I probably could have bought a wheel with all of the investment that I have in my spindles! LOL! But I love them and am happy to spin with them. I am not sure what the yarn will become. I will decide when I get thru spinning it and also decide if I will leave it in it's natural state or dye it. Thanks so much for your sweet comments and thank you for visiting! Have a blessed day!

  3. While I don't spin, I can appreciate what you have written here when we work with our hands :) Thank you for sharing with us on the Art of Home-Making Mondays! Glad to have you!

  4. Just found you through Roses of Inspiration link up party! What an amazing skill you have! I'm sure it is so satisfying to spin!
    Love your blog and am now following! Hope you come by for a visit as you are most welcome!

    1. Christine! Thank you for stopping by from Roses of Inspiration link up party! Thank you also for your very sweet comments! Yes, hand spinning is very satisfying to me! I started out with two pounds of this fiber and between projects I am down to about a half pound remaining of this batch! That's a lot of hand spinning! LOL! I have just visited your lovely blog and commented on your pretty butterflies! I would love to follow you but did not find a blogger follow button. Am I overlooking it?

  5. Simplicity is truly beautiful, isn't it? Your post was so refreshing, my dear, and I truly appreciate you sharing it with Roses of Inspiration. May I ask...what did you do with your pretty yarn? Hugs!

    1. Hi Stephanie! Thank you so much for visiting. You are so sweet to always comment and to encourage! I have a huge pile of spun yarn here that I have been doing as time allows with many other projects in between! LOL! So far I am just continuing to spin. This was a two pound bag of fiber, so that's a LOT of hand spinning! I have about a half pound left to spin. I still haven't decided what to make or whether I will leave it all natural or dip into dyeing it. It may possibly end up being several projects.....we will see! Thanks so much for coming by and for your sweet comments! God bless!
